378   DA and SDO restriction in DOType

Created: 11 Sep 2006

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 6 (2004)


Page: dataTypeTemplate.xsd



Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


The current restriction within a DOType is:
<xs:element name="DOType" type="tDOType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:unique name="uniqueDAorSDOInDOType">
<xs:selector xpath="./*"/>
<xs:field xpath="@name"/>
But A DA or SDO can have several functional constraint (for instance SP, SE, SG1 ...)


Change the restriction to:
<xs:element name="DOType" type="tDOType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:unique name="uniqueDAorSDOInDOType">
<xs:selector xpath="./*"/>
<xs:field xpath="@name"/>
<xs:field xpath="@fc"/>

Discussion Created Status
The next edition of 7-3 (see CDV coming out in May / June) makes clear how this shall be interpreted - especially APC will be completely changed. 07 May 08 In Force (green)
However, standard 7-3 defines not only attributes which have
simultaneously SG and SE functional constraints.

Such CDCs as "INC", "SPC", "DPC" have attributes "origin" and "ctlNum"
of FC "CO" and "ST". CDC "APC" has attributes "setMag", "origin" of FC
"SP", "MX".

Unfortunately, according to current SCL xml schema there is no way to
express this situation when CDC instantiated in IED has attribute with
two or more FC simultaneously.

To express the instantiation of such CDC in SCL one should write
something like :

<DOType cdc="SPC" id="my_SPC">
<DA bType="INT8U" fc="CO" name="ctlNum"/>
<DA bType="INT8U" fc="ST" name="ctlNum"/>

But this contradicts with SCL xml schema which impose uniqueness
restriction on the attribute "name" of any element which reside inside
of <DOType> ( uniqueDAorSDOInLDOType ).
06 May 08 In Force (green)
This has already been handled in Tissue 7. At the moment there is no need for an attribute with several FC's - see response to Tissue 7. 11 Sep 06 In Force (green)


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