189   SV Format

Created: 19 Aug 2005

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)


Page: 134

Clause: 16.4

Paragraph: Table 34

Category: Issue may impact interoperability of implementations of Edition 1


SmpSynch attribute type is currently BOOLEAN. SV are synchronized: TRUE or FALSE.
Most vendors agreed that a more detailed indication is required.
We need to differentiate if SV are synchronized:
-internally inside a merging unit
-with a local area clock (substation or bay wide signal)
-with a global area clock (GPS like clock)

That way an IED could know if SV are suitable or not for its function (metering, line distance relay, line differential relay...)

This information is critical for the use of the sampled values by the receiver. Therefore, it is not clear, why the attribute is optional


Change attribute type: INT8U
Change explanation in 16.4.8:
2= SV are synchronized by a global area clock signal
1= SV are synchronized by a local area clock signal
0= SV are not synchronized by an external clock signal

Consider to make the attribute mandatory (inluding all changes in the Control blocks and the attribute OptFlds)

Discussion Created Status
27 Apr 06 In Force (green)
14 Feb 06 Ballot Period
I support that 23 Sep 05 Discussion (red)
Since there have not been any furtehr comments, I would suggest to move for final proposal. The change has already been accepted for 9-2 at the meeting in Klaus. 20 Sep 05 Discussion (red)


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