1805   Add "SG", "SE" to the CDC ORG

Created: 17 Jan 2022

Status: Future Improvement

Part: Part 7-3 (2020; Edition 2.1)


Page: 84


Paragraph: Object reference setting (ORG)


The CDC ORG is the only setting CDC that only accepts "SP" functional constraint.

This situation limits some of the configurations when the blocking signal must be different depending on the active setting group in the IED.

This can be solved using VSG for the blocking reference, but we consider that ORG should be able to handle it.


Please add to 7.3 ed2.1 and the NSD the possibility of using ORG with "SE,SG" functional constraints.

Discussion Created Status
This shall result in two different Future Issues:

1. General clarification with regard to configuration workflow of InRef, BlkRef inc. TestSource are regquired.
Concepts need to be clarified in the scope of 7-1 and of 10-3.

2. Supporting the need to change signal sources based on setting groups
11 Oct 22 Future Improvement
General clarification with regard to configuration workflow of InRef, BlkRef inc. TestSource are regquired.
Concepts need to be clarified in the scope of 7-1 and of 10-3.
Set to future improvement
11 Oct 22 Approval (Future Improvement)
InRef, BlkRef and co have been introduced in answer to https://iec61850.tissue-db.com/tissue/488
The intAddr is used as anker between both the SCL.ExtRef.intAddr and the ORG.intAddr.
The setSrcCB is exposing the SCL.ExtRef.{LDNaming(iedName, srcLDInst)/LLN0.srcCBName}.

Introducing a setting group capability for the ORG would be contraproductive for the use cases
- GrRef (functional hierarchy changes per setting group)
- Ref DOI representing signal subscription (GOOSE, SMV subscription changes per setting group).

02 Aug 22 Triage
IEC 61850-7-4 Table 203, indicates that InRef is an "Object reference of a data object bound to the input n". This term “input” can be thought as the Inputs/ExtRef or it can also be understood as the logic Inputs described in IEC TR 61850-90-11 (GAPC).

Reviewing IEC 61850-6 section 9.3.13 “Binding to external signals” and Annex H – “ExtRefs use cases”, we cannot find where the link between the data object InRef and Inputs/ExtRef configuration is stated in the standard. We appreciate if you could guide us identifying the paragraphs of the standard that could be broken if the extensions of ORG with SG, SE is accepted.

We consider that the proposal does not change the existing ORG fc=SP use case and its possibility of using InRefs for mirroring Inputs/ExtRef. The proposal just extends its capabilities so for example a Protection engineer can engineer two different signals to block a Logical Node depending on the setting group selected. If the device owner models BlkRef with ORG=SP no change at all is created.

21 Jan 22 Triage
InRef / BlkRef are mirroring the content of the ExtRef in SCD file.
Subscription are defined in SCD file and are not to be changed online.
Additionally, ExtRef are not Setting Group associated.
I therefore tend to disagree with the proposal. This cannot be changed / addressed by a tissue. This is a major conceptual change of configuration of subscription.
20 Jan 22 Triage


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