1230   Mandatory types in data-set

Created: 26 Mar 2014

Status: Not Applicable

Part: General


Page: part 6, 7-2, 8-1



Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


Part 6, 7-2 and part 8-1, 9-2 specify that a dataset can contain FCDA and FCD dataset elements. Some server devices and client systems have limitations for specifice type of dataset elements. These limitations are documented in the PIXIT. This may cause interoperability issues for reporting and GOOSE publish and GOOSE subscribe. For example what if a server device does not support the XCBR/CSWI.Pos.stVal in a subscribed GOOSE message or a client system that does not support a report of a WYE.MX. Such statement will help the UCAIUG to verify and fail a device when it's limited to an unacceptable level.


To improve the interoperability the standard shall at least define the minimum set of FCD/FCDA that shall be supported to be reported in a report/GOOSE/log when modelled in the server device and same for subscribed GOOSE. For example SPS/SPC - ST, DPS/DPC - ST and WYE/DEL - MX.

Discussion Created Status
15 Oct 14 Not Applicable
See also Tissue 720 on more FCs than those in the current 7-3 (2007A). 27 Mar 14 Discussion (red)
Part 7-3 defines clearly which attributes (Functional constraints) are allowed in GOOSE and SV messages, some more might be in future editions. A server allowing data set definitions by SCL or dynamically shall allow all its data objects respective attributes having one of these FCs inside a data set definition. The only alternative is to provide only fixed, preconfigured data sets.
A client supporting GOOSE receive shall be able to receive all GOOSE messages sent to it, and be able to interpret from those all values / value types needed for its functions respective supported as input to its functions. Any limitation on this might be documented in the PIXIT to support testing and engineering, although typically it is defined in the IED data sheet.
27 Mar 14 Discussion (red)


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