1151   simulated GOOSE disappears after 1st appearance when LPHD.Sim = TRUE

Created: 26 Aug 2013

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-1 (2011; Edition 2)


Page: 60

Clause: 7.8.2 Multicast Signals used for Simulation


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


Standard didn't specify the expected behavior when device LPHD.Sim is TRUE, simulated GOOSE disappears after 1st appearance.
i.e. when LPHD.Sim=TURE, device will start accept simulated GOOSE instead of the normal one. What if simulated GOOSE disappears afterwards? Will the device 1)keep ignoring normal GOOSE, or 2)fall back accepting normal GOOSE?

Please consider that the solution shall be consistent when simulated GOOSE repeatedly appear/disappear.

Please also consider the solution can still use DOs defined in -7-4 ed.2:
LGOS.St - Status of subscription (TRUE=active, FALSE=not active)
LGOS.SimSt - Status showing that really Sim messages are received and accepted


Discussion Created Status
updated state machine: after leaving hte initial states, the subscriber goes to the wait for goose measseges. 16 Apr 14 In Force (green)
10 Dec 13 In Force (green)
Final Proposal: as discussed and agreed in the uca testing committee webConf (10-15-2013), the attached state machine displays the different states and illustrates the supervision of GOOSE subscription with regards to LGOS.St and LGOS.SimSt.
17 Oct 13 Ballot Period
I agree with Wolfgang description.
LGOS.SimSt show that the GOOSE subscription has switched to simulated messaged, because at least one Simulated messages has been received.
LGOS.St would then always indicates the state of the subscription : St = true: message are there and therefore forwarded to the application. St = false no message receive - application does not get messages.
SimSt = true: subscription switched to Simulated telegram only; SimSt = false: subscription switched to NOT Simulated telegram.
27 Aug 13 Discussion (red)
The purpose of simulation mode is to check the IED behavior according to GOOSE / SV messages without having to stop the 'normal' traffic. Further, only those messages relevant for the behavior shall be tested. Therefore,if the IED is in simulation mode (LPHD.Sim = TRUE), it still accepts 'normal' GOOSE/SV, until it gets for a certain source a simulated message. In this case it switches for this source to the simulated messages and stays there, until the simulation state is taken away (LPHD.Sim goes back to FALSE). If a LGOS for the source exists, this means that in simulation mode the receiption of a first simulated message is shown by LGOS.SimSt. From now on the IED reacts for this source only on simulated messages. Especially if sending of simulation messages is stopped, LGOS.SimSt is still TRUE, and LGOS.St goes to FALSE showing the missing (simulated)message. Only if LPHD.Sim goes back to FALSE also LGOS.SimSt goes back to FALSE, and the IED from now on ignores simulated messages.
As the current 7-1 does not completely specify this behavior, it will be updated accordingly.
26 Aug 13 Discussion (red)


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